What Does It Mean to be Rainforest Alliance Certified?
We're super thrilled to announce that we're now Rainforest Alliance Certified on our soaps! Although we have always committed to using only sustainable palm oil (RSPO certified), in 2017, we made a commitment to ensure that all our palm oil would be even more sustainably sourced. The Rainforest Alliance seal has a very high standard that farmers are held accountable to. We felt that rather than excluding palm (which thousands of farmers rely on as their sole source of income), we would lead by example.
What does the Rainforest Alliance Seal mean?
The Rainforest Alliance seal indicates that our suppliers of palm oil have been audited to meet standards that require environment, social, and economic sustainability. These suppliers are audited regularly to verify that farmers are complying with comprehensive guidelines built on sustainable farming principles including:
- Biodiversity conservation
- Improved livelihoods and human wellbeing
- Natural resource conservation
- Effective planning and farm management systems
How do palm farmers qualify for the Rainforest Alliance seal?
To qualify for the seal, palm farmers are forbidden to clear natural forests, which helps protect the habitat of endangered wildlife such as orangutans. Furthermore, farmers are encouraged to reduce and eliminate harmful pesticides and chemicals by replacing them with ecologically sound alternatives. The certification can even help small palm farmers move away from inefficient production practices to increasing yield through more efficient farm management.
Does the seal make a difference when it comes to deforestation?
Yes! The Rainforest Alliance certification seal is designed not only to prevent deforestation, but also protect biodiversity and natural resources, deliver financial benefits to farmers, and support the well-being and rights of workers and local communities. About 6.5 million farmers—including more than three million smallholders—rely on oil palm cultivation for their livelihoods.
We hope that you will continue to support these farmers by buying responsibly. Instead of outright boycotting palm oil, look for the seal!